Questions To Ask Before Your Pet Surgery

The prospect of pet surgeries can put pet owners on edge. Before scheduling surgery, it’s important to understand what to expect. At Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic in Toronto, we’ll give you a full rundown on your pet’s procedure so you can be prepared. Here are some important questions you should ask your veterinarian before scheduling surgery for your pet.

Why does my pet need surgery? 

Ask your veterinarian to explain your pet’s diagnosis in terms you understand. Then ask for an explanation of why your pet needs surgery for treatment. If your pet had a biopsy done, request a copy of this report. This information will come in handy if you want to get a second opinion.

Besides surgery, what other options are available for treatment?

If our Toronto veterinarian recommends surgery, chances are that’s the best course of action for your pet. There may, however, be other options for treatment which you should be aware of. Ask your vet to explain all options, so you can make a knowledgeable decision concerning the care of your pet.

What are the risks of surgery?

All surgeries have risks, even if they’re small. Ask our vet to explain the complications or side effects that may occur if your pet goes through with this procedure. Minor complications, like bruising and swelling, are natural for most surgeries. Major complications could range from severe infections to internal bleeding or even death. You should know the risks so you can be prepared.

What’s the prognosis of recovery?

You should know what the possibilities are for your pet’s recovery. Will the surgery correct his medical condition and restore his health? Or will it only extend his life for a year or less? These are some of the most important questions to ask, as they could determine whether surgery is worth the time, effort, and cost.

See Our Toronto Veterinarian for Pet Surgery

If your pet requires surgery, there’s no better place than Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic in Toronto to have his procedure done. To learn more about pet surgery at our facility, contact your Toronto vet at +1-647-352-2201 today.

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