How to Tell if Your Pet Has An Eye Infection

Eye infections can be painful and long-lasting for your pet. Cats and dogs that experience eye infections cannot tell you that they're uncomfortable, which means you may need to look for signs of an infection. Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic provides treatment for pet eye infections in Toronto. If your pet has never experienced an eye infection, you may be uncertain about what the signs look like. These are some of the indicators that your pet might be dealing with an infection.

Redness and Swelling

Redness or swelling around the eye is a major indicator that something is wrong. The swelling may extend to other areas of the face as well.

Eye Discharge

An eye infection can cause different types of discharge. Some discharges may just appear to be watery tears, whereas other discharges can be thick. Infection-related discharge may also smell incredibly foul.


You may notice that your pet is reluctant to open his or her eyes. For example, you may notice that your pet is blinking a lot or that he or she is holding their eyes closed. This may interfere with your pet's ability to go for a walk, eat, or play. In some cases, this is because your pet's eyes have become sensitive to light.

Pawing or Rubbing

Pets experiencing an infection often rub or paw at their eyes. Their eyes may be itchy or painful, and this can indicate that your pet is uncomfortable.

Visit Our Veterinarian for Pet Eye Infection Treatment

If you notice the signs of an eye infection in your pet, it's important to visit a veterinarian as quickly as possible. At Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic in Toronto, we can help your pet receive a diagnosis and helpful treatment. Call our team today at (647) 352-2201 to learn more about infection treatment.

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